Swimming Sessions
Survival swim training in the 50m university pool is part of the specialist watersports course where swimmers have to wear clothes in the water. Lanes were divided among snorkelers, scuba divers, lifesavers, or other swimmers who wear clothes for swim training.
I was so excited when Hikaru told me what clothes I need. He suggested that as a beginner I should wear the rain pants with a soft sports shirt for swimming, and my hiking rain cape for the warm-up breaks in between.
"What do I need a rain cape for?" I asked.
"We have breaks in between swims to allow the muscles to recover. During these breaks we wear ponchos or hiking capes to keep warm. We usually go into the shallow warm-up pool."
"Seriously?" I asked with amazement.
"Sure! We use capes for many things," Hikaru explained. He was my senior, so he should know. I fetched my red hiking cape and wondered how it would feel in the water.
Going onto the poolside in my rain pants and swim shirt I felt a bit nervous. What if I get a boner that others can see?
"Don't forget to shower in your clothes before you swim!" said the lifeguard in passing, with a knowing smile. That made me even more nervous. In a pool I can hide my boner underwater, but in the showers? Oh my Dog! What shall I do?
"Don't panic!" said Hikaru. "They have shower cubicles for one or two people."
"But when I come out of the shower..." I stuttered.
"Let me handle that, OK?" Hikaru assured me. We headed into the shower cubicle, just like the other students who paired up in the showers. He turned on the shower and I got a massive boner watching him getting his clothes wet. Then he pulled me under the shower with him, and hugged me while my clothes got soaked.
"Have you ever wondered why we shower in pairs?" he asked. "We all have the same boner problem like you, so we make each other cum in the showers. During the swimming session, when some of us get hard again, we wear the ponchos and hiking capes to hide it. Cool, eh?"
It took me a while to understand that he was joking.
The wet clothes were not hiding but emphasising our physique.
He quickly made me cum in my wet clothes and then shot his own load all over my rain pants.
It felt really good, even though it was just a quickie.
After we rinsed the cum from our clothes we went back to the pool.
On Poolside
We all went into the pool with our clothes on and began our training. Lap swimming, rescue tows and survival skills were on the program. In between we had a few touchy feely breaks to boost social fun.
After a while I felt the urge to go for a pee. Hikaru reminded me to wear my hiking poncho on my return. He winked at me and soon I found out why.
I avoid swimming briefs or tight shorts, prefer loose swimwear. After obeying nature's call, I pulled up my wet rain pants and soon felt another hard-on coming. I put on my hiking cape with long sleeves to cover it up and I went back into the pool.
Swimming in a hiking cape or poncho is great fun and feels wonderful when it floats around the body. I felt a firm stirring in my pants and told the others about it. They just smiled knowingly. It now became clear why one by one we all briefly left the pool and then came back in a poncho.
Warm-up Pool
During the breaks and after the swim training session we all huddled together in the warm-up pool, wearing our capes or ponchos over our swimming clothes, just to stay warm. We talked about swimming technique, resistance swimming and drag, endurance training, and other fun stuff.
I love that cosy feeling of how my hiking cape floats around me. The other guys looked so mysteriously sexy in their wet capes, keeping their hands inside, doing what they love to do. I felt horny again. Ponchos and rain capes are just too much for a boy to take, especially in a group. So the inevitable happened, albeit quietly. It felt really good.
I wonder why it is called the survival swimming session.
Is it because of swimming in clothes, or because we've survived the embarrassment of having a boner?
Days later I found out that a boner is not seen as something shameful, but as a sign of good health and attractiveness.
A more scientific point of view.
Since then I carried my boner with pride.
Morning Swim Training
We received a note from our coach that the daily morning swim was meant to blend endurance and resistance swimming. Lightweight baggy clothes were recommended. We decided to swim in our white nylon overalls that we often enjoy in the bath, with nothing underneath.
"This will give me a huge boner," I said while looking at my full body swimsuit. "Will that interfere with our training?"
"Don't worry. Most healthy guys have boners too. It will pass."
"Really?" I gasped as I pulled up my suit. Hikaru was going to be one of them, I could see while he slowly stepped into his baggy nylon overall. The pressure rose in my loins as I wrapped myself in soft nylon and slowly pulled up the zip and pulled the hood over my head.
"Be proud like the others! It's a sign of good health, get used to it," Hikaru said as we left for the pool.
On poolside it became clear that other swimmers had similar issues when they came out of the showers, fidgeting with their baggy wet overalls. The coach realized this and sent us quickly into the water. We swam several lengths for warm-up and then focussed on skill refinement. The baggy overall felt amazing in the water when the soft nylon floated around my body and touched my skin.
We practised rescue towing, a close contact skill which causes a lot of body rubbing as we moved along in these slippery swimsuits.
At the end of the tow we had to put our partner into a support position on poolside, effectively hugging and holding them in the water.
I got so horny during this training I could barely cope.
While swimming I couldn't take care of it.
Knowing looks from the other swimmers didn't help either.
All the slippery nylon sliding on slippery nylon was just too much. The conversation quickly turned sexual. The one behind me grabbed my penis and rubbed it until I shot my juice a moment later. Then I helped the one in front to bliss out.
One after another the other guys started breathing heavily and then relaxed with a happy smile.
I snuggled up to Hikaru and made him cum.
This was clearly a powerful endurance training.
Harder Training
Our coach suggested we should up the game and wear more clothes for the pool training to gradually build up more agility, strength and endurance. We made good progress in rain pants and long tops. Now it was time to get fitter and the coach gave us a swimwear shopping list.
Shopping for Swim Clothes
We went to the local shopping mall to find the swim clothes we needed for the more advanced swim training. All clothes had to be unlined to avoid annoying air pockets. They had to be comfortable to wear in the water and not hinder us in an unsafe way. We should get at least three of each item, one to swim in, one to dry, and one to wear after training. We were also told to wash or rinse the chemicals from manufacturing out of all these clothes before we bring them to the pool.
Shopping List
- Comfy jogging suits, one or two with hoods.
- Jeans, slim, medium and baggy, maybe with a bib.
- One-piece overalls in denim and nylon.
- Anoraks or cagoules, one with full zip, the others without.
- Rain capes and ponchos, long enough to go below knees.
- T-shirts and shorts to wear underneath.
- Pool shoes or sandals and socks.
That was an exciting list and we searched many shops to find it all, but most did have anything for us. We had huge fun with six of us swimmers confusing the sales staff with questions like if it is easy to swim in these clothes.
"You're from that sports college, right?" asked a senior sales lady. "Come over here. I know exactly what you need."
She quickly glanced at our shopping list and piled up all the swimming kit. Hikaru smiled as he saw the hoodies, capes, pants and anoraks that we would soon go swimming in.
"Make sure you wash all these before you wear them in the pool," she admonished us. "Takes out all the manufacturing residues."
Back Home Washing Our Clothes
After we bought all kit we required, it was time to go home to wash it all (and us) in the bath and shower. New clothes contain toxic chemicals from manufacturing that must come out before you wear them, especially in a swimming pool.
Hikaru ran the bath while we put on the shirts, shorts, and jogging suits. I got so excited, I almost blew my stuff whilst rolling around on the bed with him before we went into the bath.
Jogging Suits
The bath was awesome. Unlike Hikaru, I've never worn a jogging suit in the water. It became very heavy in the shower, but felt really soft. My boner had much room in the baggy pants. It didn't take long for me to cum while Hikaru hugged me.
We sat down in the bath and I gave Hikaru a good rub down. He loves jogging suits and hoodies, and enjoyed the smooth massage I gave him all over. After a while he shot his white stuff into his jogging pants.
Nylon Rain Clothes
We hung the jogging suits up to dry, towelled each other off carefully and put on our soft nylon rain clothes. While we recovered for the next shot we went to bed. It's great fun to slip-slide on top of each other in these breathable suits.
After a nap we woke up horny again. Time to get these rain clothes wet. After all, that is what they are made for. I like that idea that clothes are designed to get wet.
As you know, the baggy rain pants are great fun to play or swim in, but baggy rain capes feel like that all over the body. We put the hoods up, took a shower, and then immersed ourselves in the bath tub.
It felt amazing as the water seeped into my clothes, air bubbles tingling as they rolled along my skin. Hikaru was watching me, stroking his boner inside his nylon rain cape. Then it was his turn to get in. I stood up in the bath, water sloshing out of my clothes. It was exciting to watch Hikaru slowly get his cape submerged.
We played around in the water for a while, then stood up and lathered each other in bubble bath foam until the clothes were really slippery. That was extreme as we rubbed our bodies together in those soft nylon capes and exploded with passion. While we relaxed in the bath tub we wondered what clothes we should wear for the next morning swim.